


  • 分类:核电站工程
  • 作者:小编
  • 来源:
  • 发布时间:2019-05-29


Northern revetment and open diversion channel project for Fujian Fuqing nuclear power plan

The water intake open channel project (including the north dike, diversion dike, open water intake channel, revetment in the plant, and vertical wing walls on both sides of the water intake pump house), open drainage channel (including drainage east diversion dike, west diversion dike, drainage open channel, south revetment ion the plant) and the trash-holding facilities to prevent the invasion of small ships and marine organisms. The total contract value is nearly 1 billion.



Northern revetment and open diversion channel project for Fujian Fuqing nuclear power plan

The water intake open channel project (including the north dike, diversion dike, open water intake channel, revetment in the plant, and vertical wing walls on both sides of the water intake pump house), open drainage channel (including drainage east diversion dike, west diversion dike, drainage open channel, south revetment ion the plant) and the trash-holding facilities to prevent the invasion of small ships and marine organisms. The total contract value is nearly 1 billion.

  • 分类:核电站工程
  • 作者:小编
  • 来源:
  • 发布时间:2019-05-29
  • 访问量:5



Northern revetment and open diversion channel project for Fujian Fuqing nuclear power plan

The water intake open channel project (including the north dike, diversion dike, open water intake channel, revetment in the plant, and vertical wing walls on both sides of the water intake pump house), open drainage channel (including drainage east diversion dike, west diversion dike, drainage open channel, south revetment ion the plant) and the trash-holding facilities to prevent the invasion of small ships and marine organisms. The total contract value is nearly 1 billion.



During the ten-year construction period, there was no quality and safety accident. With the image of hardworking, honest and credible, courteous, and excellent technology, we successfully completed several major milestone nodes of Fuqing Nuclear Power Plant, and delivered high quality projects on schedule. Based on above achievements, our Company has been fully affirmed and recognized by the construction companies, general contractors, and supervision and consulting companies, and has been commended time after time.
































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