


Heavy Cargo Terminal Project for Fujian Fuqing Nuclear Power Plant Phase I Project

The heavy cargo wharf of this project is a 3000 (5000) tonnage barge gravity wharf, which is arranged along the shore. The berth of the wharf is 95m long and 40m wide. Its top elevation is +7.0m, and the design bottom elevation of the front of the wharf is -8.4m. The wharf is equipped with an 800-ton rotary crane. Commencement date is November 15th, 2008, and completion date is December 30th, 2009.


Heavy Cargo Terminal Project for Fujian Fuqing Nuclear Power Plant Phase I Project

The heavy cargo wharf of this project is a 3000 (5000) tonnage barge gravity wharf, which is arranged along the shore. The berth of the wharf is 95m long and 40m wide. Its top elevation is +7.0m, and the design bottom elevation of the front of the wharf is -8.4m. The wharf is equipped with an 800-ton rotary crane. Commencement date is November 15th, 2008, and completion date is December 30th, 2009.

  • 分类:核电站工程
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  • 发布时间:2021-11-19
  • 访问量:0


Heavy Cargo Terminal Project for Fujian Fuqing Nuclear Power Plant Phase I Project

The heavy cargo wharf of this project is a 3000 (5000) tonnage barge gravity wharf, which is arranged along the shore. The berth of the wharf is 95m long and 40m wide. Its top elevation is +7.0m, and the design bottom elevation of the front of the wharf is -8.4m. The wharf is equipped with an 800-ton rotary crane. Commencement date is November 15th, 2008, and completion date is December 30th, 2009.







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