

所属分类概要描述: 业绩篇——核电站工程
本工程大件码头为3000(5000)吨级驳船重力式码头,采用顺岸式布置。码头泊位长为95米,宽为40米,其顶面高程+7.0米,码头前沿设计底标高-8.4米,码头设800吨旋转吊一台。开、竣工时间:2008年11月15日至2009年12月30日。 Heavy Cargo Terminal Project for Fujian Fuqing Nuclear Power Plant Phase I Project The heavy cargo wharf of this project is a 3000 (5000) tonnage barge gravity wharf, which is arranged along the shore. The berth of the wharf is 95m long and 40m wide. Its top elevation is +7.0m, and the design bottom elevation of the front of the wharf is -8.4m. The wharf is equipped with an 800-ton rotary crane. Commencement date is November 15th, 2008, and completion date is December 30th, 2009.
本工程大件码头为3000(5000)吨级驳船重力式码头,采用顺岸式布置。码头泊位长为95米,宽为40米,其顶面高程+7.0米,码头前沿设计底标高-8.4米,码头设800吨旋转吊一台。开、竣工时间:2008年11月15日至2009年12月30日。 Heavy Cargo Terminal Project for Fujian Fuqing Nuclear Power Plant Phase I Project The heavy cargo wharf of this project is a 3000 (5000) tonnage barge gravity wharf, which is arranged along the shore. The berth of the wharf is 95m long and 40m wide. Its top elevation is +7.0m, and the design bottom elevation of the front of the wharf is -8.4m. The wharf is equipped with an 800-ton rotary crane. Commencement date is November 15th, 2008, and completion date is December 30th, 2009.
发布时间 : 2021-11-06 14:48:08
本项目为漳州核电厂3000t级重件码头及配套工程,码头总长138m,配套工程包括疏浚工程、水下炸礁、道路工程、给排水及消防及其他附属工程等。 Fujian Zhangzhou Nuclear Power Plant Heavy Cargo Wharf Project This project includes a 3000t heavy-cargo wharf and supporting works for Zhangzhou Nuclear Power Plant. The total length of the wharf is 138m. The supporting works include dredging works, underwater reef blasting, road works, water supply and drainage, firefighting and other auxiliary works.
本项目为漳州核电厂3000t级重件码头及配套工程,码头总长138m,配套工程包括疏浚工程、水下炸礁、道路工程、给排水及消防及其他附属工程等。 Fujian Zhangzhou Nuclear Power Plant Heavy Cargo Wharf Project This project includes a 3000t heavy-cargo wharf and supporting works for Zhangzhou Nuclear Power Plant. The total length of the wharf is 138m. The supporting works include dredging works, underwater reef blasting, road works, water supply and drainage, firefighting and other auxiliary works.
本项目包含南护堤拆除、恢复、胸墙、越浪雨水沟、防海水倒灌钢闸门等项目。2016年5月到18年3月工期近2年。 Fuqing Nuclear Power Plant Unit 5 and Unit 6 CC Syphon Well & Outfall Culvert Construction and Installation Project This project includes the demolition and restoration of the south dike, the breast wall, the wave overtopping rain gutter, and the steel gate for preventing seawater backflow. The construction period takes nearly 2 years, from May 2016 to March 18.
本项目包含南护堤拆除、恢复、胸墙、越浪雨水沟、防海水倒灌钢闸门等项目。2016年5月到18年3月工期近2年。 Fuqing Nuclear Power Plant Unit 5 and Unit 6 CC Syphon Well & Outfall Culvert Construction and Installation Project This project includes the demolition and restoration of the south dike, the breast wall, the wave overtopping rain gutter, and the steel gate for preventing seawater backflow. The construction period takes nearly 2 years, from May 2016 to March 18.

地址:浙江省宁波市高新区光华路299号研发园二期C6-8楼   电话:+86-0574-87995224     邮箱:zjhaixiang@163.com

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